Uppdatering kommer numera lite som bilagor då man uppdaterar bl.a. bilder mm för sina egna nya produkt event...
Dock är inte Märklin så starka på dokumentering speciellt när det gäller versions datum mm å lite oroväckande med tidigare kraschade enheter.
- jonas_sth
- Site Admin
Ny CS3 uppdatering del2
Svensk tågsamling sedan tidigt 80-tal med favoritloket Ra
CS3+ 2.5.2(6) / MSW / 2x 60175 Booster / 4x 60881 S88 AC / TC10 Guld / K & C-räls
CS3+ 2.5.2(6) / MSW / 2x 60175 Booster / 4x 60881 S88 AC / TC10 Guld / K & C-räls
- jonas_sth
- Site Admin
Märklin svarta personvagnar för leverans
Då är det äntligen dags att blunda med ena ögat som en sann Märklinist
43788 SJ AB3 B5 (svart fantasy design skala 1:100) 4-vagnset
43788 SJ AB3 B5 (svart fantasy design skala 1:100) 4-vagnset
- jonas_sth
- Site Admin
HNoll uppdaterad info
HNOLL har uppdaterad information 23-04-02 via sin hemsidan...
Leverans information av 80tals serien och framtida tilltänkta modeller som man planerar för.
Ellok Ma
Motorvagnarna X10, X11, X12 och X14
Restaurangvagn R1
Sov & Liggvagnar WL1 och Bc2
Mer Info: hnoll.se
Leverans information av 80tals serien och framtida tilltänkta modeller som man planerar för.
Ellok Ma
Motorvagnarna X10, X11, X12 och X14
Restaurangvagn R1
Sov & Liggvagnar WL1 och Bc2
Mer Info: hnoll.se
- jonas_sth
- Site Admin
mDT3 uppdatering v3.6.0
Ibland händer det, en uppdatering igen.
Inte nog med uppdateringen så kom det även några få individuella nya ljudfiler så klart för tyska modeller att ladda ned med mDT3....
Ingen nyhet men förberedelse i menyer för kommande PluX22 dekodern som ännu bara visats på Youtube klipp.
Liksom tidigare för att få "sälja" sin USB hårdvara (meningslös) så går det varken att läsa ur dekodrar via CS3 eller uppdatera loken med nyare firmware från mDT3 applikationen
Version 3.6.0 - 15.03.2023
Version: (14 November 2022)
- The mDecoderTool3 supports the sound CVs and parameters of the equalizer of a sound decoder mSD3, for new projects, convert existing projects to get the equalizer CVs
- The mDecoderTool3 supports the new data structure (fds) v4 in gauge H0/1/G mLD3/mSD3 from decoder v3.3.0.0, downward compatible
- The mDecoderTool3 supports mSD3 H0 gauge with PluX22 interface with RailCom
- The mDecoderTool3 supports mSD3 H0 gauge with 21MTC interface with RailCom
- New CV258 in the index area CV31=17 CV32=0 provides the number of the next free function assignment
- The PID controller can deliver more power to the motor in load situations
- Due to the new equalizer CVs, the display of the CVs with unit or factor changed generally and uniformly
- Generally changed the alignment of the CVs on the left and on the right (fold-out/fold-in) side uniformly
- Braking is now active during emergency stops.
- Value range of DCC traction address in decoder templates corrected
- The dropdown lists Motor Type, Analog Controller and Controller Type were extended by their already entered elements after each drag and drop of sounds and refresh of the view
- A decoder or a sound module on the sound programmer (60801) could not play its "beep" response completely after programming, because the voltage was switched off too early
- Error where some locomotives stopped abruptly during constant braking was fixed
- Output mode "Neon" no longer interferes with other outputs
- The DCC-ACK pulse when reading SUSI-CVs is now generated correctly
- Improvement in mfx reception and structure
- A bug where the configuration was aborted at the CS2 was fixed
- Writing of CV900 with value 8 is now correctly passed on to a connected SUSI sound module (restore factory settings)
- Error in output behaviour corrected if switch-on and switch-off delay was configured in an output at the same time
- Fixed a bug that prevented tests on the tool when mfx was deactivated.
- When the decoder wakes up in DCC, the functions F29, F30 and F31 are switched off if they were active
- Error corrected, which prevented the correct function of an output in the mode "buffer mode
- Error in buffer mode with uncontrolled motor corrected
- If bypass distance of 0 is configured, the buffer is now bypassed until it is empty.
- Error when stopping in braking distance fixed
- Error corrected that prevented reading CV19 after it was set.
- Fixed bug that prevented writing CV19 to 0 if it was not 0.
- Filtering for constant braking distance improved.
- Error in constant braking distance fixed.
- Error in stopping distance in buffer mode fixed.
- The start-up control was revised
Något man fortfarande inte har fixat är att applikationen kraschar om man stänger CS3 först. Sedan om man väljer en motortyp och där efter läser ur dekodern i CS3 så har den en annan typ av motor
Mer info: maerklin.de
Inte nog med uppdateringen så kom det även några få individuella nya ljudfiler så klart för tyska modeller att ladda ned med mDT3....
Ingen nyhet men förberedelse i menyer för kommande PluX22 dekodern som ännu bara visats på Youtube klipp.
Liksom tidigare för att få "sälja" sin USB hårdvara (meningslös) så går det varken att läsa ur dekodrar via CS3 eller uppdatera loken med nyare firmware från mDT3 applikationen
Version 3.6.0 - 15.03.2023
Version: (14 November 2022)
- The mDecoderTool3 supports the sound CVs and parameters of the equalizer of a sound decoder mSD3, for new projects, convert existing projects to get the equalizer CVs
- The mDecoderTool3 supports the new data structure (fds) v4 in gauge H0/1/G mLD3/mSD3 from decoder v3.3.0.0, downward compatible
- The mDecoderTool3 supports mSD3 H0 gauge with PluX22 interface with RailCom
- The mDecoderTool3 supports mSD3 H0 gauge with 21MTC interface with RailCom
- New CV258 in the index area CV31=17 CV32=0 provides the number of the next free function assignment
- The PID controller can deliver more power to the motor in load situations
- Due to the new equalizer CVs, the display of the CVs with unit or factor changed generally and uniformly
- Generally changed the alignment of the CVs on the left and on the right (fold-out/fold-in) side uniformly
- Braking is now active during emergency stops.
- Value range of DCC traction address in decoder templates corrected
- The dropdown lists Motor Type, Analog Controller and Controller Type were extended by their already entered elements after each drag and drop of sounds and refresh of the view
- A decoder or a sound module on the sound programmer (60801) could not play its "beep" response completely after programming, because the voltage was switched off too early
- Error where some locomotives stopped abruptly during constant braking was fixed
- Output mode "Neon" no longer interferes with other outputs
- The DCC-ACK pulse when reading SUSI-CVs is now generated correctly
- Improvement in mfx reception and structure
- A bug where the configuration was aborted at the CS2 was fixed
- Writing of CV900 with value 8 is now correctly passed on to a connected SUSI sound module (restore factory settings)
- Error in output behaviour corrected if switch-on and switch-off delay was configured in an output at the same time
- Fixed a bug that prevented tests on the tool when mfx was deactivated.
- When the decoder wakes up in DCC, the functions F29, F30 and F31 are switched off if they were active
- Error corrected, which prevented the correct function of an output in the mode "buffer mode
- Error in buffer mode with uncontrolled motor corrected
- If bypass distance of 0 is configured, the buffer is now bypassed until it is empty.
- Error when stopping in braking distance fixed
- Error corrected that prevented reading CV19 after it was set.
- Fixed bug that prevented writing CV19 to 0 if it was not 0.
- Filtering for constant braking distance improved.
- Error in constant braking distance fixed.
- Error in stopping distance in buffer mode fixed.
- The start-up control was revised
Något man fortfarande inte har fixat är att applikationen kraschar om man stänger CS3 först. Sedan om man väljer en motortyp och där efter läser ur dekodern i CS3 så har den en annan typ av motor
Mer info: maerklin.de
- jonas_sth
- Site Admin
Roco 2024 med Habins NORDWAGGON
Jag nu ligger man i framkant med så kallad nyhet när man tänker släppa NORDWAGGON med nytt individs nummer igen i början 2024.
67318 SJ Habins NORDWAGGON REK 44,90€
Det nya numret kommer tillkännagivas närmare tillverknings datum.... så suger vi på karamellen
Mer info: roco.cc - Länk
67318 SJ Habins NORDWAGGON REK 44,90€
Det nya numret kommer tillkännagivas närmare tillverknings datum.... så suger vi på karamellen
Mer info: roco.cc - Länk